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Out of Classroom Projects

We consider it to be of great importance that kids not only learn from their books in school, but get out to explore the world. Therefore we try to organize activities that teach children basic life skills, introduce them to our environment and help them gather experiences outside of their known context.


The Bay market

Thank our wonderful volnteers for this change of activity!
Football is great for team spirit and exercise and most of all so much fun!
Our school going for the World Cup!!!

Nature Kids

in planing...

In cooperation with the ROLE Foundation we visited the Island Sustainability Centre in Sawangan, Bali. The kids learned about the importance of nature and how to actively preserve it.

Planting a seed and observing its development into a plant was fo most children a great experience they got to take home and share with their families.

See our teacher Susan expla the importance of this project here.

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